Love… love… love yourself and everyone and everything else!


By Lady Tabitha

 Wednesday, 10 January 2024 - 19:00

On This Day of Days diary/yearbookJust recently I started doing my automatic writing on a daily basis again. For months I didn’t do it every day, and I decided that it would be good for me to tune in to The Wisdom more often. So I took the quote book ‘On This Day of Days‘ by my friend Lesley (which contains channeled quotes from her first book ‘Diary of a Scribe to the Universe‘)*, and started writing my messages in there.

‘Love yourself’ is always the main message

This quote book is like a yearbook, starting on January 1st all the way to December 31st, with on each page a quote from Lesley’s first book and a background of sacred geometry. And there’s enough space on every page to write a short channeled message.

So that’s what I started doing. Every night before bed I sit down and write whatever The Wisdom wants to share with me.

It’s a good way to slow down and quiet my mind before going to sleep. So every now and then I will share a message on my website, in my personal blogs, that I think might be helpful for more people than just me.

Yesterday’s message was a universal one:

Channeled message: love yourself
Page from my personal diary
(Click to see enlarged)

Dear one, we are so delighted to be able to speak with you again. And this time we will keep it lighthearted, easy for your mind and gentle for your soul. We just want you to feel loved, adored, cared for, caressed, and we want you to give those feelings to yourself. As a gift.

Give yourself the love, give yourself the adoration, the care, the caresses, because you deserve it all. You are loveable beyond measure! You are a treasure in the Universe, in all your uniqueness! Embrace who you are, who you’ve become, with everything that makes you you. Love it! Love it! Love it! Love you!

Well, that is actually the basis of every message we give and you will ever receive. Love… love you, love life, love humans, love your world, love every particle of what makes up your reality. The good, the bad, the ugly, because it’s all part of you, your creation, coming from the love that you are!

Let it sink in: All you know, all you are, it is ALL your creation, it is all you!

So that is our message for today. Love… love… love… yourself, everybody else and everything you know, have known and will know!

We love you dearly and we want you to feel that immeasurable deep love there is for you.

We are The Wisdom, and with that we are complete.

Quote from ‘Diary of a Scribe to the Universe’

What I really liked, was that this message came through on the page where the following quote was placed: “Nothing more need be done than taking the hand offered you in love and glory for that is who you are and the way of all things, now and forever, now and forever.

I hadn’t even read that before I started writing my own channeled message! It just matched together and I love that.

And to show myself, and the paper of the book, some love, I took out a pen and a colored pencil, and drew some doodles just for the fun of it. Hadn’t done that in ages, and I enjoyed it very much.

Podcast with Lesley M. Kaye

Did you know that I do a monthly podcast? My very first guest was Lesley! In that first episode we spoke about her books and how they came about. So if you’d like to know more about that, you can go and watch by clicking HERE!

And if you’re interested in learning to channel and do automatic writing yourself, be sure to sign up for my newsletter. I’ll soon be offering exclusive teachings on these skills!

Well, that’s it for today. Next Wednesday I’ll definitely have something new to share! Bye now!

*NOTE: Although I’m friends with Lesley, there is no financial gain for me nor am I affiliated with Amazon; I’ve paid for my own copies of her books and I’m writing from personal experience and enthusiasm.

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