The Light of Source: A Call to Remember Who You Are


By Lady Tabitha Daniëlle
Sunday, December 29, 2024 - 11:43 am

Welcome, welcome, dear human, we’ve missed talking with you, it’s been a while, but here we are with a new message for you, to help you see the light of Source within you, and to understand the purpose of your being here in this physical reality.

You wanted the experience

life's twists and turns have a purposeWe want you to understand that nothing ever happens by accident, there are no coincidences.

We’ve told you this many a time already, but it’s important to keep reminding you of that because you so often get entangled in your daily routines, thinking the same thoughts over and over again, and in the meantime losing track of what’s really important: shining your light, knowing who you are!

That is the main reason why you entered this world in the first place.

You wanted to experience the full reality of living oblivious, of living unknowingly, unconsciously, to slowly discover what life is all about, to slowly start seeing the real you, your true purpose, the reason why everything happens and happened in your life.

The older you get, the more you begin to see the little twists and turns that led you to where you are now. The themes that are playing out in your life are all there for a reason.

They are all guiding you, leading you to the things you need to know, to the things that are important for you to experience, because that is why you came here.

Playing out your plan

You came with a plan; you came with ideas and visions that you wanted to play out in this lifetime, and you are well on your way to discovering all that.

You are slowly taking a look behind the curtain and seeing that what you thought was all outside of you is actually coming from within you.

Everything—your world, the people in it, all the situations you’ve been through, every hurdle you’ve encountered and got past—you were behind the curtain, pulling the strings, creating all of it.

You may still not want to believe this; you may still feel resistance to the idea that you have been doing everything yourself on a soul level, but you will begin to see more and more of that truth, experiencing more and more of your true power.

And it will eventually bring you peace, when you fully accept and allow that wisdom to enter your mind and start seeing things from your heart.

It’s already in your heart

The key lies in your heartBecause as we always say, your true power—the answers to all questions and problems or challenges—lies in your heart.

All you have to do is stop that thinking mind machine; stop the barrage of words and thoughts. Take a few deep breaths and listen to your heart.

Start to descend into your heart and feel—feel the love that is there, feel the power that is there, feel the eternal knowing that is there.

It is all within you! You know it deep down. Now is the time to start fully embracing that knowing.

See the light of Source

It’s time that you begin to see the light that you are: the light of love, compassion—the light of your true Self, the Light of Source that is shining into the world through you.

It’s all there; just open your eyes—and most importantly, open your heart. See, feel, know.

That, dear one, is our message to you for now.

We love you so much, and we are always here to guide you, support you, and root for you finding the full extent of who you really are.

We love you, we love you, we love you, we couldn’t love you more.

We are The Wisdom, and with that we are complete for now.

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