Embrace Your Birthday: Celebrate Your Life, Live Your Soul’s Dream


By Lady Tabitha Daniëlle
Tuesday, January 17, 2023 - 10:00 am

Welcome, welcome, dear human, on this beautiful new day. We are so happy to be with you today, and we are wanting to talk to you about your birthday.

Happy Birthday

birthday balloonsIf today is your actual birthday, we are celebrating you, congratulating you. If it’s not your birthday today, we do the same, we celebrate you and congratulate you with your life!

We wish you to have your dreams come true.

Because we know that all of your dreams have been put in your heart by your Soul. You are living your Soul’s dream already, whether you believe this or not.

You are such a precious human being, and you are loved by many, not only in the physical realm but also in the spiritual realm, by the angels and your guides and many more.

Do you still celebrate your birthday?

When you celebrate your birthday, you’re celebrating to have lived another year in your human life, where you’ve experienced many new adventures.

Some adventures you liked and others really think you would have wanted to skip.

Celebrating your birthday might not feel like a very big deal to you. You may feel that you have lived long enough to have been done with it.

Receiving presents, having parties and celebrations, you may feel tempted to skip the whole thing, because you’ve sort of ‘grown out of it’. We understand.

Still, we do want to encourage you to pick up the habit of celebrating your life, celebrate having lived another year, because you are not aware of the time and day that you will leave the physical world to transition back to where you came from.

Celebrate you, you’re worth it

dreams, your birthdayYour human life is precious, no matter your view on it. You came to this planet to live as a human being and to experience whatever adventures you have set up for yourself.

Being the magnificent spiritual being that you in essence are, you have had many ideas before you came into physical form.

Now you are living the life that you dreamed of while you were still in the non-physical.

So, where do birthdays fit in? They are the celebration of you. It’s important to celebrate yourself, to celebrate your life, to look back on the things you’ve learned, the things you’ve experienced, whether you call them good or bad.

You are worth celebrating this magnificent life of yours.

And with every year that you put under your belt, you are growing, expanding into more of who you really are. You are learning and becoming more conscious.

What if you are disappointed in life?

Maybe you are not into spirituality, maybe you’d rather be just you, and maybe you just want to be happier, or more fulfilled.

disappointed in lifeYou may feel disappointed about life, because things don’t go the way you would want them to.

Whatever is the case, you are here, aren’t you? Isn’t it about time to begin making the best of it, without looking at the things that you don’t like?

Isn’t it about time to begin to step up your game, do things slightly different and step into who you really are, becoming more of who you really are?

When you begin to understand the true nature of you, as a spiritual being living a physical life, then you will begin to look at life differently.

Then you will feel the energy and the love for your human life, and you will celebrate any day as if it’s your birthday!

Time for new beginnings

So start today, look at the world that you’ve created with new eyes, begin to appreciate and express your gratitude for the little things and celebrate them.

Tap into happier feelings. Celebrate everything that’s good, that you love, and see how your life will change, to having a better life, having more fulfillment, and feeling more content with whatever you experience.

Because everything happens for a reason, there are no coincidences! You came here to live this particular life, with the experiences that you are having.

And you have free will, you can choose to have different experiences, to get out of life what you want to get out of it. Nothing is set in stone!

Enjoy new rides and have fun

You went to this adventure park, called planet Earth, with an idea and a list of adventures you wanted to see, rides that you wanted to go on, but there’s always more.

And that is where you are right now: looking for the rides you haven’t done or seen or experienced yet.

Discover new rides in the adventure park of lifeSo look around, see what you want to do in your life, and go for it. Hop on and have fun. It’s time!

Celebrate today and every next day as your birthday, whether it’s the actual date that you were born into this life or not.

We love you so much, dear human, and we are celebrating you with you. Please join us and do a happy dance!

We are The Wisdom, and with that we are complete.

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