Discovering Your Destiny: The Power of Self-Love


By Lady Tabitha Daniëlle
Tuesday, July 23, 2024 - 04:00 pm

Welcome, welcome, dear human, on this beautiful new day. We are so pleased to be able to speak with you, and we want to tell you a bit more about your destiny.

We’ve previously spoken about it, and told you that your destination isn’t set in stone. You have options, you have a free will, but that doesn’t mean that you have the knowledge of what your destiny is, or how to find your destiny.

In this message we will shine a bit of light on that.

What it is and what it is not

Your destiny isn't a placeYour destiny isn’t a place you’re going. It’s a mental state, it’s the person you are becoming in the long run, it’s the way you think, the way you act, the way you respond to your outer world and the way you interact with your inner world.

All of that together is your destiny, or a big part of it.

As we said, your destiny is not a place, it’s not like you can hop on a train or a plane and go somewhere, and then say “I’ve arrived, I’ve reached my destination”.

It’s a bit more complicated than that, because you usually want to know specifics. You want to understand, you want to have guidelines and rules, to know what to do, where to go, how to think and behave, so that you will arrive there where you have to be.

It’s about self-love

But this is different. To reach your destination, you have to accept yourself exactly as you are. We’ve told you about self-love many times already, and we keep reiterating that, because it is so important.

Loving yourself is the fastest way to reach your destination, because it is part of the destination. Self-love creates a new world for you.

Without self-love you create a distorted reflection in your outer worldIf you don’t love yourself, you will create a distorted world around you, a world of chaos, of hectic situations, of stress, of things you may not really want to create, but due to your state of mind you will create it anyway.

So when you love yourself, you’re creating a different world. A world of harmony, a world of serenity, a world of abundance, of peace, a world in which everything is possible and you feel happy, safe, and satisfied in every way.

That is what comes from self-love. And as you may have already concluded, that is a big part of your destination.

Look inside of you

Finding your destiny is to stop looking outside of you, is to go within, and see yourself for who you are: a soul, a beautiful spirit inhabiting a physical human body.

Love that body, love the human that uses that body, and love the soul that is the driving force for this human existence.

When you do that, you will discover that you suddenly arrived at your destination, you will have achieved all that you wanted.

It comes from within, it comes from self-love, from unconditionally loving you, who you are in every way.

Don’t complicate it

stop overthinkingNow you may think that this is too easy, that there must be more to your destiny, that you have to do difficult things, fulfill tasks, do certain actions to attain that which you want.

We tell you, it is really simple. Humans make life so difficult by overthinking, by creating all these ideas of how things are supposed to be, complicating everything by it.

We assure you that life is very simple if you let go of all the ideas, of the beliefs you have about life and how ‘it’ works. Life is really not that complicated.

The basis is love, love for yourself, that is your starting point as well as your end point. It’s the core of your existence here. Love, love, love.

First and foremost, focus on you

Loving you, and from that you create your world, your outer world, the mirror, the reflection of what goes on inside of you. Train yourself to focus on self-love.

Not egotism or selfishness in a way that you have no compassion with other people, but having self-worth, knowing your value, knowing your uniqueness and your importance in the whole scheme of things.

That is the road to your destiny. And you are already on that path, so keep going, straight ahead, living and loving. It’s as simple as that.

We are The Wisdom, and we love to share these insights with you. We love you, we love you, we love you, and with that, we are complete.

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