Having Fun: Do You Master the Powerful Art of Embracing Joy?


By Lady Tabitha Daniëlle
Thursday, March 21, 2024 - 04:00 pm

Welcome, welcome, dear human, on this beautiful new day indeed. We are so pleased to speak with you again, and we’d like to talk about having fun.

You may think that it’s a topic that doesn’t need much discussing, because having fun is such a normal thing.

Nonetheless, having fun is quite underrated and there still are parts of it that we would like to address.

Having fun may seem something ordinary or mundane, it may seem something every human is familiar with, still we see many people struggling with it.

When having fun doesn’t come so easily

not enjoying yourselfHave you become totally absorbed by your daily challenges, by your routines, your thoughts, watching the news, worrying about world affairs, or more close to home about money issues and challenges you have to deal with?

Maybe you’re being occupied with things you feel you should, have to, must do… that makes having fun become something on the side, for when there is time left. And guess what?

There usually isn’t any time left when you are so busy in your mind, juggling with everything that’s going on in your world and, more importantly, inside of your head.

It’s an often neglected necessity

Having fun, as obvious as it may seem, is something you need to set time aside for. It’s not a task, it’s not a ‘should’ or a ‘must’, however it definitely is something you need!

You need to give your brain time off. You need to relax and unwind to stay in a place of joy, or if you haven’t found yourself in that place for a while, get back to it again.

Feeling joy, contentment and happiness is a necessity for human beings. When you feel joyful, life gets easier, you tend to worry less, and are more prone to being in the now-moment.

So, make time to have fun, to enjoy yourself, have a little play in whatever way you want.

Ways to play and have fun

Butterfly on a fingerIt can be fun to go outside for a walk, and feel excited about nature, seeking flowers, or beautiful trees, or watch playing animals.

Having fun is something that can be found in tiny things, like chasing a butterfly in your garden and trying to let it sit on your hand. It can be fun to play with a dog, or a cat, or with a toddler.

You can play games with a friend, your children or grandchildren, or your partner.

Games can be board games, but they can also be made up games. Who sees the first red car? Who is the fastest with finding a certain word?

Try making up riddles, tell jokes and funny stories. There are so many ways that cost you nothing but a bit of your creativity and some time, to get in that state of having fun.

Do things you haven’t done in a long time

play an instrumentOr if you play an instrument, how long has it been since you sat behind that piano or keyboard?

When was the last time you touched your guitar, flute, drum kit or whatever instrument you have?

Even if you’ve never learned to play instruments you’ve got at home, why not start having some fun by just trying to play something?

Not to achieve a goal, not to learn something, just do whatever you like, to have some time off and allow yourself some play time.

Take time to play and have fun

Go back into the now-moment: breathe, unwind, relax and play.

Rediscover your natural state of being, which is a state of joyfulness, a state of energy, loving life and having fun.

We love you so much, dear human, and we wish for you to have many joyful times while having fun in your human existence.

You are the one in charge, make it happen. Have fun playing!

We are The Wisdom and with that we are complete.

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