Sparkles of the Universe

Explore the Sparkles of the Universe in this unique space - a collection of videos with spiritual channels, sharing profound messages.

These channels and their messages guide you to realize that you too are a Sparkle of the Universe!

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Play Video about Sparkle Lesley M. Kaye

Lesley M. Kaye

Lesley is an all-round channel of art, books and energy. In this session she is channeling healing energy. Be sure to watch in its entirety. Can you feel it?
If you want to get in touch with Lesley, you can find her on Instagram or contact her through her publisher Quill Literature.
Play Video about Sparkle Timothy Beau Waterman

Timothy Beau Waterman

In a very practical channeling, Beau's guides share how to deal with feelings of overwhelm, anxiety or fear and to come back in the now-moment. Did you get the questions they gave?
Interested in coaching sessions with Beau? Check out this link for all the options:
Play Video about Sparkle Jevona Klassen

Jevona Klassen

Jevona is here to play, to dance, to party. And that's exactly the energy she channeled. Will you allow the joyful energy to light you up and have playful fun with your inner child?
If you're interested in more from Jevona, you can visit her website:
Play Video about Sparkle Rosemary Leach

Rosemary Leach

New-Zealand's Crystal Whisperer, Rosemary Leach, channeled a citrine quartz and gave us a beautiful, sparkling and encouraging message. How are you sparkling and shining your light?
Follow Rosemary on her website and sign up to her newsletter on:
Play Video about Sparkle John Rusciano

John Rusciano

In this beautiful channeling John Rusciano connected with his Sirian Star Family and received an important multi-faceted message, about reality and the future.

If you wish to learn more, you can contact John through his website:
Play Video about Sparkle Kari Taylor

Kari Taylor

Kari Taylor channeled a spectrum of vibrational energies through light language, offering a unique pathway to personal healing and spiritual awakening. Can you feel the energies in your body?
To reach out to Kari, you can contact her through her website:
Play Video about Sparkle Olivier Maxted

Olivier Maxted

Starting with the enchanting sound of a spiralidoo (or snake didgeridoo), Olivier also brought a verbal message through with a powerful caterpillar analogy. How would you fit into this analogy?
Contact Olivier via the shared website with his life-partner, Megan:
Play Video about Sparkle Capri Angelica Bridger

Capri Angelica Bridger

Do you know why you're here? Capri Angelica Bridger ('Michele' in daily life) channeled a wonderful message about recognizing and embracing your divine nature and celebrating the Oneness of all life.
Connect with her through email:
rickrackribbon @
(without spaces!)
Play Video about Sparkle James Fellows

James Fellows

James Fellows is a gentle soul and a very gifted musician. In this Sparkle he shared a beautiful, channeled on the spot, piece of music.
James has a website. Visit him there, or contact him through the contact form on his website:
Play Video about Sandra Lea

Sandra Lea

Sandra Lea channeled a beautiful message for us from her guides. She gave a perfect example of what Light Language is.

Sandra can be contacted through email:
iamlovesandra @
(without spaces!)
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